Life is either a daring
adventure or nothing

Adventure is worthwhile

Adventure You Hope For

Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s OK. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.

Trekking and Hiking

With multitude of roads winding through expanding mountains, lush green forests, paddy fields, parks and sleepy villages, Sri Lanka offers a plethora of opportunities to the Keen hikers and trekkers. The highlands of Sri Lanka with virgin rain forests, sacred mountains, lush tea gardens and plains filled with rare birds and insects coupled with mild temperatures and welcoming smiles of the villagers provide the ideal setting to an unforgettable walking experience.



Surrounded by the Indian Ocean with its coral gardens, multitudeof exotic fishes and ancient wrecks Sri Lanka offers one of the best diving experiences in the world. The colorful coral gardens along southern coasts and old and new ship wrecks around the Galle harbor and little and great basses are the favourite Sri Lankan dive sites yet Kalpitiya, Ampara and Trincomalee in Eastern and Western coasts offering rare chances of wreck diving, skin diving and diving with dolphins.


Deep Sea Fishing

Surrounded by the Indian Ocean and filled with fresh water reservoir inland, Sri Lanka is the hidden paradise for extreme anglers. With a shoreline of 1,140 miles and a continental shelf of 10,000 square miles, the seas around Sri Lanka is one of the most challenging marine game fishing locations while The outfalls of 103 major river basins and hundreds of estuaries, lagoons and coastal lakes all around the country are yet to be fully explored by sporting anglers.


Rock Climbing

Experience the thrills of crumbling rocks beneath the feet, head spinning heights and the earth expanding beneath conquering the mountains of Sri Lanka. The ranges of mountains standing guard around the highlands of Sri Lanka including the Knuckles range, Ella range, Habarana, Sigiriya, Polonnaruwa, Horton Plains and Buttala provide challenging climbs to armature as well as experienced climbers. The newest experience in mountaineering in waterfall climbing with exciting climbs like the rock face of Bambarakanda waterfall, the tallest in the country.


Hot Air Ballooning

Roam the skies of Sri Lanka enjoying the signs and sites from the heavens above. Floating at heights of 500 to 2000 feet on average,effortlessly drift over the treetops, wildlife, lakes & rivers, cultural sites, local urban homesteads & landmarks like Sigiriya Rock. The sunrise rides are offered at day break to enhance the experience by accompanying the sights and sounds with magical experience of dawn.


Whale Watching

The ocean around Sri Lanka is the home to the gentle giants and the performers of the ocean. Dolphins and whales parade their presence at various locations around Sri Lanka during the months of December, January, February, March and April. Being situated on and around the migrating routes of whales and dolphins, Sri Lanka is in a vantage point to observe the migration of 26 species of cetaceans including blue whales, sperm whales, pilot whales, fin whales and a large variety of dolphins.


WhiteE Water Rafting

Whitewater rafting travel experiences are very accessible in Sri Lanka, especially on the Kelani river starting from Kitulgala. What was previously best known as the location for the filming of the film 'Bridge over the river Kwai' is fast gaining a reputation of a far more thrilling nature. The area around Kithulgala is stunning ('Kitul' is a type of palm tree) and one of the most fertile regions of Sri Lanka. There are a number of good places to stay in Kithulgala itself, including the Rafter's Retreat, who also offer the activity as part of an accommodation package. It is possible to visit Kithulgala in a day trip if you are staying in the hill country.



Experienced kite-surfers or those having completed the courses would probably be interested in a 'Kite-safari', which could be tailored to your needs. Taking off from Negombo, with all the required equipment supplied, to some of the more remote spots ideal for this sport, staying in anything from tents, simple guest houses, eco-resorts to top hotels. A particular favourite of instructor and leader Marc, is that of the lagoon around Kalpitiya in the Puttalam district. The conditions for Kiting are excellent and the surrounding areas make for interesting travelling. Very few tourists make it to this part of the island. Prices vary greatly depending on the number in the party, the number of days on tour and the accommodation used.


Sea Kayaking

This day trip departs from a hotel located between beach and lagoon in Bentota. A full day tour exploring the many ocean-based sights of the area. The tour takes the form of a trip to an off-shore island with a lighthouse. Along the way you will see many small islands with coral reefs, sea life, the waves crashing along the western coast and much more.
